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International Affiliates & Colleagues


Steve White
White SW Computer Law
Level 24
459 Collins St.
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Tel: +61-3-9629-3709
Fax: +61-3-9629-3217
Email: wcl@computerlaw.com.au
Website: http://www.computerlaw.com.au


Peter Stone
Berwin Leighton Solicitors
13B Avenue de Tervuren Tervurenlaan
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 011-2-732-3144
Fax: 011-2-732-3979


Dino Menasche
Menasche Morris
Advogados Associados S/C
Rua Teofilo Ottoni, 123 A-5' Andar
20090-080 Rio de Janeiro-RJ-Brazil
Tel: 011-55-21-233-4393
Fax: 011-55-21-263-0044


S. Tyler Barrs -- Biography available
Barrs & Wong
Entertainment, Finance & New Media Law
Suite 1401, 100 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6B 1R8
Tel: (604) 488-1542 -- Fax: (604) 488-1543
Email: barrs@entertainment-law.com

Lesley Ellen Harris
Copyright & New Media Lawyer
Author of "Canadian Copyright Law" (1995: Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson)
Toronto, Canada
Tel. 416.226.6768
E-mail: copyrtlaw@aol.com -- Web Site

Tim Heeney -- Colleague (Not Affiliate)
Goodman, Phillips & Vineberg
Toronto, Canada
Tel: 416-597-4195
Fax: 416-979-1234
E-Mail: Heeneyt@tor.gpv.com

Harvin Pitch
Teplitsky, Colson
70 Bond Street
Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1X3
Tel: (416) 865-5310
Fax: (416) 365-7765


Philip Alberstat
Baker & McKenzie
4 Old Park Lane
London W1Y 3LJ
Tel: 011-44-171-629-8000
Fax: 011-44-171-221-9334
E-Mail: edbow@easynet.co.uk

Christopher Johnson Associates
8 Stapleton Hall Road
Stroud Green
London, N43QD
Tel: 011 44 (0) 171 272 6572
Fax: 011 44 (0) 171 272 3449

Andrew J. Curtis
Regency House 1/4 Warwick Street
London W1R 6LJ
Tel: 011-44-171-439-8692
Fax: 011-44-171-494-3582
E-Mail: Drew @ Rogues.demon.co.UK

Nicholas Lom
Schilling & Lom
Royalty House
72-74 Dean Street
London W1V 6AE
Tel: 011-44-171-453-2500
Fax: 011-44-171-453-2600

Stanley Munson -- Biography Available
Tarlo Lyons, Watchmaker Court, 33 St. John's Lane, London EC1M 4DB
Tel: 011-44-171-405-2000 -- Fax: 011-44-171-814-9422

Peter Stone
Berwin Leighton Solicitors
Adelaide House
London Bridge
London EC4R 9HA
Tel: 011-44-171-623-3144
Fax: 011-44-171-623-4416


Jean-Christophe Barjon
Barjon & Barjon
Cabinet D' Avocats
6, Rue De Lisbonne
75008 Paris, France
Tel: 011-44-70-73-73
Fax: 011-44-70-73-74


Silvio Tonazzi
Studio Legale Bosco Tonazzi
38, Via F. Siacci
00197 Rome, Italy
Tel: 011-39-6-808-6041
Fax: 011-39-6-808-5115


Thomas Muller
Romerstrasse 26
D-80803 Munchen, Germany
Tel: 011-49-89-337-270
Fax: 011-49-89-390-327
E-Mail: 100441.1453@compuserve

Dr. Jurgen K. Wendt
Heiss & Partner
Brienner Strasse 1
80333 Munchen, Germany
Tel: 011-49-89-2908-2917
Fax: 011-49-89-2908-2929


Christopher Britton
Askandar R. Samad
Michael Gertler
Denton Hall
10/F Hutchinson House
10 Harcourt Road
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 011-852-2-820-6272
Fax: 011-852-2-810-6434

John McLellan
8th Floor Ruttonjee House
11 Duddell Street
Hong Kong
Tel: 011-852-2-868-1234
Fax: 011-852-2-845-1637

Grace H.W. Chu
Bill Catley
Fairbairn Catley Low & Kong
43rd Floor, Gloucester Tower
The Landmark, 11 Pedder Street
Hong Kong
Tel: 011-852-2-522-2041
Fax: 011-852-2-845-9282


Karen Soich
13 Grace Square
81 Vermont Street
Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel. and Fax: 011-64-9-376-6382

Sinclair Black
Suite 6
81-83 Jervois Road
St. Marys Bay
New Zealand
ph: 00649 360 9995
fx: 00649 361 1118

PO Box 47-520
email: mick@sinclairblack.co.nz


Richard Findlay
Tods Murray WS
66 Queen Street
Edinburgh, Scotland -- EH2 4NE
Tel: 011-44- 131-226-4771
Fax: 011-44-131-467-7280
E-Mail: todsmurr@dircon.co.uk


Philip Chew
David Chong & Co.
65 Chulia Street
OCBC Centre
#31-00 East Lobby
Tel: 011-65-224-0955
Fax: 011-65-533-3570
E-Mail: Philip@sing.net.com.sg

Tan Lam Siong
Chye Kit Soon
Tan Chye Chia & Looi
2 Raffles Link #02-08
Marina Bayfront Singapore 0103
Tel: 011-65-339-1088
Fax: 011-65-337-3007

Yew Woon Chooi
Claire Wong
Helen Yeo & Partners
11 Collyer Quay #12-01
The Arcade
Singapore 0104
Email: Helenyeo@singnet.com.sg


James Janowitz
Pryor, Cashman, Sherman & Flynn
410 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Tel: 212-326-0873
Fax: 212-326-0806

Jeff Kuester
Louis T. Isaf, P.C.
6445 Powers Ferry Road
Suite 230
Atlanta, Georgia 30339-2909
Tel: (404) 951-2623
Fax: (404) 612-9716
E-Mail: Kuester @Kuesterlaw.com

Larry Langs
Interactive Media Consulting
1138 9th St., Suite E
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: 310.395.4784
Fax: 310.395.5574
Email: Virtualary@aol.com

Michael Saleman
1801 Century Park East, Ste. 1560
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Email: saleman@aol.com
Website: www.movielaw.net
Telephone: 1.888.222.8959

Harris Tulchin
Harris Tulchin & Associates
201 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 300
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel: (424) 832-3535
Fax: (424) 210-3517
E-Mail: EntEsquire@aol.com

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate or simply having your firm listed on our site as a resource, please send email to entesquire@aol.com with all pertinent information on how to contact you directly.


harris tulchin About Harris Tulchin & Associates

Harris Tulchin & Associates is an international entertainment, multimedia & intellectual property law firm created to provide legal and business services for all phases of the development, financing, production and distribution of entertainment products and services and multimedia software on a timely and cost effective basis to its clients in the motion picture, television, music, multimedia and online industries.
Recent News
  • May 18 , 2007 - CANNES 2007 - PRESS RELEASE
    Tulchin Wraps Principal Photography on Chatham Starring Carradine, Dern, Torn, And Hemilgway;Sells Cinamavault Intl. Rights
  • May 18 , 2007 - CANNES 2007 - PRESS RELEASE
    Tulchin Wraps Principal Photography on Chatham Starring Carradine, Dern, Torn, And Hemilgway;Sells Cinamavault Intl. Rights